Posted in Health

The Scale Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story

I have a love/hate relationship with my bathroom scale. In the beginning, when I started this journey and things were changing, it was lovely to see the numbers changing on that scale. My body was obviously changing and I went down a pants size. And a bra size. Which YAY!

But for the past four months I have gotten on that scale and the numbers really haven’t budged. At all. Which can be seriously discouraging. Not enough to make me stop working out or eating well, but yeah. It’s not fun.

Enter InBody. It’s a special scale at Bent on Better that somehow measures body fat, muscle mass and water. So even though my bathroom scale hasn’t moved, the inside of my body has changed. I’ve continued to lose fat and gain both muscle and water.

Yay for water, which I am still consistently drinking!

In the past 11 months I have gained five pounds of muscle and lost 21 pounds of fat. TWENTY ONE POUNDS OF FAT GONE.

Yay for me!

So I guess you could say I have a love/love relationship with InBody. It shows me the truth behind the numbers, which I really need.